Saturday 15/ 03/ 2025 

मालनपुर : आपसी सद्भावना और भाईचारे के साथ बनाएं होली का त्यौहार, हुडदंग मचाया तो होगी कार्रवाई – टी आई सोनीमालनपुर : शिवाजी पब्लिक स्कूल संचालक ने मेधावी छात्रों को दिए उपहार, पालकों का भी किया सम्मानमुरैना : कुशलता पूर्ण कार्य सीखने को मिलते हैं शिविर में – शशि बल्लभ शर्मामालनपुर : शिक्षा के साथ-साथ खेल कूद भी जरूरी, खेलकूद से होता है शारीरिक ओर मानसिक विकास :- टी आई यादवमुरैना : परीक्षा देने जा रही 10वीं की छात्रा रोड़ एक्सीडेंट में घायल, घायल अवस्था में दी परीक्षा बिहार ; लड़की संग पहले डांस किया फिर कर ली स्टेज पर ही शादी, वीडियो हुआ सोशल मीडिया पर वायरलभिंड : एम.जे.एस कॉलेज में संविधान निर्माता बाबा साहेब की प्रतिमा लगाने की उठी मांग, कॉलेज विद्यार्थियों ने भिंड कलेक्टर के नाम अपर कलेक्टर को सौंपा ज्ञापनमालनपुर : सीएसआर फंड में हुए भ्रष्टाचार और फर्जी स्वयं सेवी संस्थाओं पर कार्यवाही को लेकर सामाजिक कार्यकर्ताओं ने कलेक्टर से शिकायत कीमालनपुर के कारखानों में 75 फ़ीसदी स्थानीय युवाओं के रोजगार का उठा मुद्दा, कलेक्टर कार्यालय तक पहुंची शिकायतBhind : A perfect Holi Gift to the family of Indal Singh 

Bhind : A perfect Holi Gift to the family of Indal Singh 

Bhind : A man wandering on the streets rescued, rehabilitated and now reunited by UdavumKarangal, Chennai, with his family in Madhyapradesh after missing for 6 months.

It was on the morning of 10th January 2025 our Social Workers Mr. Jacob & Mr. Mohan while on their way back to Chennai saw a young person, aged around 28years, on the main road at Kalpakkam. He was with unkempt hair, a red ribbon tied on to his head, dirtily dressed and talking to himself.

He was convinced of good food and treatment and got admitted into UdavumKarangal’s Home, Thiruverkadu. He was given a bath, provided clothes to wear and a sumptuous meal. Mr.Srinivasa Rao, social worker while counselling him could get his name as Indal Singh Gujjar. He was referred to our Psychiatrist and was diagnosed Schizophrenic & Nicotine dependence and was given medicines. He was provided regular counselling to know his whereabouts.

After regular counselling for about 2 weeks we found that he belonged to a village called Mehgaon, Bhind District (PIN 475110) of Madhyapradesh. We sent information about him along with photo in Whatsapp to one of the phone numbers we got from near his house. One of the relatives in the village saw the photo and recognised Indal Singh and immediately informed the family. The Cousin Brother of Indal Singh, Mr.Jeete immediately contacted Mr.SrinivasaRao, Social Worker of Udavum Karangal and promised to come immediately. He informed his family members who jumped in joy and immediately came to Chennai to receive his Cousin Brother. Since Mr.Jeete was a lorry driver coming towards Chennai, he came in his lorry and received Mr.Indal singh.

Mr Jeete on arriving at Udavum Karangal on 23rd January ‘25 confirmed that he was the same Indal singh who was missing for the past 6 years. He gave some more details of Indal, that he had 4 brothers and 1 sister. His parents are alive; Father- Bogiram and mother Mrs.Badami. He studied only up to 5th Std and had no job. It was due to his friends who introduced him into taking drugs he almost became mentally ill at the age of 17. One day when he was told that he will not be given money, he ran out of the house. He was missing from July 2024 and they were frantically searching for him but could not find out his whereabouts for the past 6 months.

Indal Singh was restored on 23rd January ’25 in the presence of the Founder Secretary of Udavum Karangal, Mr.Vidyaakar who gave them free medicines for a month and counselling for future treatment. Mr.Jeete his cousin brother thanked the team of social workers and the Founder for reuniting Mr. Indal Singh back to his family.

